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training holds

Wood has some properties that can be beneficial for your training! The skin-friendly surface and the low friction allow you to train efficiently, while paying attention to precision and body tension in order to stay on the wall. This keeps your skin fit for the next climbing session while training at a high intensity!

Only beech wood is used for our WoodLike holds, which is a very durable raw material due to its high density and strength. Professional processing of the wood ensures that our products are of first-class quality and will withstand all your training sessions!

All shapes are inspired by rock structures. According to the motto "Train as close to the original as possible". Our range is constantly being further developed and supplemented with new shapes. Let yourself be inspired by the variety of our products!

Why wooden climbing holds?



Need help with your decision?

If you need help with your hold-set, you are welcome to contact us directly. Just a click away on the following button!


single hold

Create your hold-set!

Climbing is a very individual sport. That's why it's not so easy to find the right training solution for everyone. We would like to offer you a few options to help you find your own hold set.

In the product list below you will find all our holds, which you can filter according to difficulty, wall angle and hold type. 

You can put together your own set according to your preferences and, depending on the quantity of products, you will receive a discount on your hold set :)

  • 15 holds = 5% discount

  • 30 holds = 10% discount

  • 50 holds = 15% discount

If you still need help with your hold set, you can contact us at any time using the button below. We would be happy to work with you on your own solution!

The offer applies exclusively to private customers.



B - stock



All holds you order from us have excellent quality, are 100% handmade and crafted from local wood species. But wood is a natural material and we as human producers are no machines. Because of this, there are always products which have small flaws caused by hidden defects in the wood or by human error due to coffee deprivation.


If you want to give these products a chance to decorate your climbing wall, contact us at and we will be happy to give you all the information you need. 

And because we are always very happy when products with small defects leave our workshop we want to offer you a good price for them.

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